Who is LindseyJones?
While first glance leads many to think that Lindsey Jones is the actual person that founded the company, the truth is that the company’s namesake does not represent a single person. In fact, it represents two separate individuals, Dr. Thomas Lindsey and Nadine Jones, both of which are deceased.
In 1992, founder Dennis Stanley, then a new respiratory therapist in Texas, gathered a small group of people whose sole purpose was to help respiratory therapy students prepare for and pass their CRT and RRT credentialing examinations. At that time the company formed was called MedEd Health Science Education. As the company grew, eventually its creator found inspiration from two of his own ancestors, Dr. Thomas Lindsey and Nadine Jones.
Dr. Thomas Lindsey was a country doctor who practiced in the rural areas surrounding Little Rock, Arkansas in the early nineteen hundreds. Historical evidence, journals, and Dr. Lindsey’s own medical practice manual reveals a humble man who chose not the normal elite life associated with most physicians at the time., but rather, he provided needed care to farmers and cowmen in the fields of rural Arkansas where financial means for most were minuscule. Among subsistence farmers and herders, Dr. Lindsey often performed medical service in exchange for chickens, jars of jam and jelly, garden corn, and even for hand-stitched repairs in his own and his children’s clothing. Nadine Jones lived in our time. At age 46, while raising 4 children, she decided to attend college for the first time in her life.
She was admitted to a local community college as a freshman. Nadine Jones completed her BS degree in psychology and began pursuit of a Master degree, during which she quickly discovered she had cancer. During her struggle and fight with cancer, she continued on with her educational pursuits, even though some part of her knew she would never finish her degree. She continued because of a deep love and belief in the importance of education. She passed away in 1992, about the time that Dennis Stanley formed the now-called company LindseyJones.
Founder Dennis Stanley is the great great grandson of Dr. Thomas Lindsey and the son of Nadine Jones. Says Stanley, “I’ve always been stirred greatly by these individuals from my past. On the one hand, we have Dr. Lindsey, who gave of his time without regard to compensation while on the other we have Nadine Jones who regarded education so highly that she would pursue it even though she understood on some level that the cancer would likely take her before she could finish”. Because LindseyJones is about medical education, Stanley explains, Dr. Lindsey represents the medical inspiration behind the company while Nadine Jones underlines the company’s chief tenet - the principle that regardless of age and health, one should never stop learning.
Today, Dennis Stanley, BS-RRT, RRT-NPS, RRT-ACCS continues to preside over the thriving company LindseyJones LLC. He maintains a passion for finding new ways to help others gain an understanding of complex medical issues, exercise greater critical thinking skills, and helps others launch into new medical careers. Much of the company’s proceeds are used to fund continued growth and the newly established Thomas Lindsey Memorial Scholarship fund.